In the world of children’s literature, the first evidence is that e-books are not going to replace traditional books. Parents don’t choose e-books over books, but rather they choose them over games, when they need to keep their kids entertained. Digital books provide a new interactive and educational experience that can be a good substitute for addictive games and passive TV-watching!
Here are some of the main benefits of using e-books:
- e-books promote reading. People reading ebooks spend more time reading.
- e-books don’t replace traditional books, they provide new opportunities for readers.
- e-books can read aloud to children. They allow the addition of multimedia, such as moving images and music.They are more engaging for reluctant readers.
- e-books are portable. You can carry an entire library on one light weight device.
- e-books preserve books. They do not burn, crumble, rot, or fall apart.
- e-books are good for the environment. Ebooks save trees.
- e-books make reading accessible to persons with disabilities. Text can be resized for the visually impaired. Screens can be lit for reading in the dark.