
OWL Magazine: ages 9-13


Since 1976, OWL has ignited the curiosities of kids ages 9 to 13. OWL continues to give children access to new information in a fun, age-appropriate and engaging way. OWL inspires kids to learn and discover through articles, puzzles and quizzes, infographics, interviews and more to highlight the elements of science and tech, engineering, art and math. Unusual for its intended age group, OWL is loved by both girls and boys, identifying the core of what really matters to 9- to 13-year-olds and relaying it with a signature honesty, intelligence, and humour.

OWL Magazine is loaded with tech news, interviews, hands-on building, puzzles, comics and more delivered right to your door.

Inspiring young minds for more than 40 years, OWL continues to inform and inspire preteens looking to engage with the world they live in.


    Regular price $29.95 CAD
    Regular price $35.95 CAD Sale price $29.95 CAD


    • “When I read in bed, I read my magazines. I’ve read each one about seven times, but I’m still not bored of them.”–Shira
    • “Renewing these gifts (knowing how they’re enjoyed and what they achieve) is a meaningful token of a grand-dad’s love.”–Peter

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